The Last of Us: Left Behind Release Date Outed

Coming in a month

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The Last of Us: Left Behind Release Date Outed
Users of the US PlayStation Store have spotted a release date for The Last of Us: Left Behind. If the date is to be believed, the add-on will be out on Valentines Day - Friday February 14th.

That's not a conventional release date for PSN content, but The Last of Us is a big enough game that it might warrant a special release date.

That date has come without any fanfare from Sony, though, so it might be some sort of placeholder or mistake.

Left Behind is a prequel to the main game brings Riley into the picture. Readers of The Last of Us: American Dreams - the comics prequel by Faith Erin Hicks - have seen a fair bit of her already.

Describing the DLC on the PlayStation Blog, Ellie actress Ashley Johnson said, "It’s a little bit more ‘fun’, because you have two teenage girls going through a mall. It’s kind of like a post-pandemic version of two teenage girls hanging out. Definitely not a normal hangout! It’s very different – a little more playful.

"There’s a bit of everything in there. You’re really getting a new sense of the environment. You’ll engage in combat that seems familiar from the original campaign, but there are some new touches and nuances too."

Thanks, Eurogamer.


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