What's Capcom's New, Probably Next-Gen, Fighting Game?

Could it be Street Fighter?

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What's Capcom's New, Probably Next-Gen, Fighting Game?
Capcom is working on a new beat-'em-up, and it sounds very much like it's for next-gen.

Earlier today Capcom producer and Street Fighter series exec Yoshinori Ono tweeted:

Not the capitalisation of 'New Fighting Game' there. Then, after he was asked if it's next-gen, we got the following...

Certainly feels like a wink and a nod, doesn't it?

The fact that Ono works on the Street Fighter series may, of course, be a clue. Keep in mind there's already Ultra Street Fighter IV on the way for current-gen, though. What's your guess?

Thanks, OXM.


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