According to Microsoft's 'Defender of Kinect', aka Xbox One director of product planning Albert Penello, the problem with people hating Kinect is that the people who hate Kinect, haven't used Kinect. "One of the biggest challenges with Kinect is that the people who are the most vocal against it, often haven't used it," he says in a puff of words without logic. You would have thought that a big challenge would be if people who had used it hated it. Which of course, is also true in some cases. The marketing logic gets even more twisted though....
"You know, we've sold 26 million (Kinect) against a 76 million (Xbox 360) unit install base, or something along those lines - but the problem is it's an accessory right? And whenever you have an accessory, you know, as a guy who's worked on platforms now for three generations, there's always a pro and a con to an accessory."
Did that make sense? Or did it sound like, for example, Apple stating: "We've only sold 20 Apple TVs but there's an install base of some trillion televisions and Macs out there. So it's not the accessory, right?"
Anyway, one thing Albert is sure of is that Kinect 2 will be better once the stinking human users and developers have seen the error of their ways.
"And so yeah, I think people are going to have a perception problem, but at the end of the day, I firmly believe that the experiences will sell. If it's there, now that everybody can rely on it, now that we're not burdening developers (with making) trade-offs with games that use it, that means more people are going to experience it."
Not sure how that one works but we'll go with it. Albert finishes up with a Halo ref...
"I think they're going to discover the same thing that everyone else discovers, which is, you're going to use it. I mean, people just went straight to some flailing-arm Halo idea, which is never going to happen, but now that, you know, it's always there, I think there are some really cool ways it can be used."