Is Amazon Developing an Android Console for 2013?

Rumour says 'yes'

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Is Amazon Developing an Android Console for 2013?
Rumour has it that Amazon is working on its own Android-based home console.

This comes from GameInformer, which claims to have received the information from (predictably) sources that go unidentified in the article.

According to the report, the console is being developed with an aim to release this year, probably by Black Friday. GameInformer states that, "Amazon will be leveraging the titles already available on its platform". The console will have its own controller.

Games industry sleuth superannuation threw a little more weight behind the rumour, confirming that they'd heard it earlier in the year and as such at least suggesting it wasn't plucked out of the air.

More posts in superannuation's feed point to games industry talent snapped up by Amazon in the recent past, such as Gears 3 and Quantum Break executive producer David Holmes and former VP of third-party development at Trion Worlds, David Luehmann. One of the tweets also suggests that Amazon has been asking developers to integrate controller support into their games.

Of course, Ouya is already out there with an Android-based home console. Amazon, however, has the resources to enter the market on another level altogether.


ergo 9 Aug 2013 13:00
Speaking from the developer POV, yes, this is a thing, the downside--for Amazon--is that nobody on the dev side really seems to care.
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