Microsoft: We're Still Heading for an Xbox One Digital Future

Company won't shift on console's price point.

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Microsoft: We're Still Heading for an Xbox One Digital Future
Microsoft hasn't quite given up on its online vision just yet. Although it has moved to reverse its always-online DRM and used-game blocking policies on Xbox One, the company still plans to push forward its cloud-based architecture and transform the console into a digital platform over time.

"While we are adding in the ability to use physical discs, we still believe in the power of a digital and cloud-powered future played out at launch and rolled out over time," said Xbox Live corporate VP Marc Whitten.

"You are going to see us invest a ton in all of the ways digital builds experiences. You have to be connected [for cloud processing to work]. All of the things that require the internet will require the console to connect. We want and expect most people to take advantage of those things, but we also want to give people the choice that they can play offline."

Whitten added that Microsoft will not be budging on the Xbox One's RRP, keeping to the $499/£429 price point that surprised many at its E3 press conference. "On the price we feel strongly that we are delivering an immense value in gaming and entertainment. What we wanted to do was tell our complete story.

"We knew our complete story was partially told at the Xbox One unveil and partially told at E3. We wanted to put our story out there and show the great games we have coming. We did that and people gave us a ton of feedback."

Source: Polygon


Daz 20 Jun 2013 16:03
If people want to buy digital, they'll buy digital, but you can't treat physical media like digital and expect people to #dealwithit
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