Microsoft CEO Courting Hollywood for Xbox One TV Content

Exclusive video content could be on the way.

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Microsoft CEO Courting Hollywood for Xbox One TV Content
Microsoft is going big on TV with the Xbox One. That much is obvious. You only need look at CEO Steve Ballmer's latest movements is any further proof was needed. The exec has reportedly been seen touring TV studios in Hollywood to woo them into creating exclusive video content for the games console.

According to a report on Deadline Hollywood, Ballmer was accompanied by Nancy "Watercooler" Tellem as he visited Les Moonves of CBS, Steve Mosko of Sony TV and the heads of WME, a talent company. He offered an "intimate preview" of the Xbox One's multimedia features.

The Xbox One was revealed at a Microsoft conference last month, and focused a lot of attention on its TV and sports capabilities. The company is preparing to host its E3 conference next week, and has stressed that the focus will be purely on the games lineup.



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