Xbox One: All the Hardware Pix in One Place

Lots of image but how much content?

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There is much controversy and bitching going on regarding Microsoft's Xbox One - starting with the name itself, what is with that. However, one thing we can't say we've not got enough fact on is the way the darn thing looks.

We've got an enormo-gallery of the machine and some of the GUI, which is more than we can say for the PS4 - the launch of which now seems maybe a bit rushed and with a view to seeing how the public reacted to the new Xbox.

Sure, we could be overthinking that but for now, check out the gallery of Xbox One right here.


DrkStr 22 May 2013 12:45
Don't see how it's rushed, Sony had answers for the pre-owned and always on internet questions, just no box.

I know which one I'd rather see.
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