Call of Duty: Ghosts Trailer Hints at Terrorism Plot

Trailer transcription inside.

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Infinity Ward has showed off "gameplay footage" of its upcoming shooter, Call of Duty: Ghosts, which was a bit more like a trailer really - unless our eyes were deceiving us. Anyway, we got a bit more of an idea as to the plot of the whole thing.

Seems all very modern-age and terrorist-y. Here's an exact transcription of what was said during the atmospheric teaser.

"It's been 10 years... you start to forget things you should remember. Can't stop remembering... the things you should forget." [ DOG ] "We've always had the power... not anymore. What we have is each other. We're ghosts... fighting for something that can't be killed. Soldiers stand against their enemies, but Ghosts haunt them."

Then kicks off a load of explosions, dogs and spec ops soldiers nicking off with enemies into the shadows. It's being written by the Academy Award Winning Writer of 'Traffic', so it should be pretty good.

No doubt we'll know more soon. In the meantime, check out why it's the "Most Beautiful Ever."


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