ITC Judge Rules for Xbox Sales Ban Over Patent Violations

Video codecs and wireless technology patents allegedly violated.

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ITC Judge Rules for Xbox Sales Ban Over Patent Violations
A US International Trade Commission judge has ruled that Microsoft's Xbox should be banned from import and sale for violating four patents owned by Motorola Mobility. The patents in question cover a H.264 video compression codec in the Xbox console itself, and the wireless technology found within its controllers.

Last month, ITC Administrative Law Judge David Shaw had decided that Microsoft did indeed violate the patents, but did not agree to halt imports or sales of the Xbox.

This week, the judge ruled in favour of Motorola Mobility - despite this, the Xbox has not officially been banned yet and won't be removed from store shelves any time soon, according to a report on Wired. Shaw dismissed claims by Microsoft that banning the Xbox would be "contrary to the public interest" - its defence being that losing the Xbox on store shelves would limit consumer choice.

It should be pointed out that Motorola Mobility was purchased recently by Microsoft's über arch rival, Google.

More at Wired.


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