Apple CEO Tim Cook has reportedly visited Valve's headquarters in Washington. That's caused the world to hit the panic button and speculate wildly about what it actually means. The apparent conclusion drawn by the interweb's collective of soothsayers is that Apple is going to work with Valve on a new games console! Or something.Of course, Apple's motives could very well be gaming-related. But it's unlikely to be regarding a new console - Valve, for its part, has already revealed on its company blog that the hardware it is researching
is in fact a wearable computer.
But then you have evangelist blog
Cult of Mac, which claims that Apple is in fact working on its own games console, to be integrated into an upcoming Apple TV device (rumours of which have also been unsubstantiated). The meeting with Valve, it says, is to work together on a content delivery device that will allow such a product to rival Sony's PlayStation and Microsoft's Xbox.
Or... you know, it could be nothing at all to do with gaming. Who knows? Not us. Speculate away in the comments box below!