Double Fine Kickstarter Earns $400,000 in 8 Hours


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Double Fine Kickstarter Earns $400,000 in 8 Hours
Earlier today, Tim Schafer created a project on crowd-sourcing website Kickstarter to help fund a "brand-new, downloadable point and click graphic adventure game." Just eight hours later, Double Fine has passed its 30-day investment target of $400,000 - with change to spare.

At the time of going to press, the studio has made over $430,000. Those who pledge money to the cause - who have ranged from fellow industry developers, to fans and even game journalists (now that's a grey area, isn't it?) - will get rewards based on the amount they put in the kitty.

$15 pledges will guarantee a copy of the as-yet-not-in-development game (so, not a pre-order) as well as a few bonus extras. Those who plunk down $30 will net themselves a documentary video in addition to this, produced by 2 Player Productions. A community contribution system will be set up so that investors will be able to vote on which way development should go.

All very exciting times, for a studio that very much deserves the attention. Well done Double Fine!


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