OnLive Desktop App Pointlessly Brings Windows to iPad

Desktop nightmares come back to haunt you on tablet.

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OnLive Desktop App Pointlessly Brings Windows to iPad
Have an iPad? Still waiting longingly into the touchscreen for some real streaming gameplay from the OnLive service? Well, tough. You'll have to wait a bit longer. What OnLive has decided is more important is providing you with an app that brings the Windows 7 desktop right into your tablet device. Erm, yay. I think.

Yes, now one of the reasons you got an iPad in the first place - to get away from all that desktop junk and clutter - is negated with the OnLive Desktop. How thrilling. Just like the game application, the Desktop service allows for instant streaming of programs such as MS Word, Excel and Powerpoint. There are multi-touch gestures and on-screen keyboards and everything.

The standard app will come with 2GB of cloud storage for you to play around with, but a Pro version costing $9.99 a month will be available that offers 50GB of storage and a number of additional apps. Android, smartphone and TV support will be coming soon, along with Mac support - the latter sounding like a contestant for Most Redundant Idea of the Year.

So it looks like Microsoft's able to make a quick buck in the tablet space after all, with this OnLive partnership. Very shrewd. The app's coming this Thursday. Take cover. Can we have our proper gaming app now?


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