Electronic Arts Buys Freemium RPG Company - Adds it to Bioware

KlickNation added to BioWare Sacramento

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Electronic Arts Buys Freemium RPG Company - Adds it to Bioware
Electronic Arts has bought KlickNation, "a developer of free-to-play social role-playing games" and has added it to BioWare Sacramento. It has not disclosed the amount it paid.

The team joins BioWare's "existing social gaming team at BioWare San Francisco to form a new business unit, BioWare Social, focused on the development of RPG experiences for social networks and led by former KlickNation CEO Mark Otero", says the release.

Actually, despite sending out a press release laying out the buy, EA includes this line at the end:

"Terms of the acquisition were not disclosed."

It means, "We're not disclosing the terms of the acquisition" but for some unfathomable reason EA's decided to pretend that it hasn't sent out the release. Go figure.

More info here.


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