Capcom on Mercenaries 3D Data Reset: Pre-Owned 'Not a Factor'

It's because of replayability, man.

Posted by Staff
Capcom on Mercenaries 3D Data Reset: Pre-Owned 'Not a Factor'
Is Capcom pulling a fast one on the pre-owned market by refusing to allow gamers to reset their data on Resident Evil: The Mercenaries 3D? Not at all, the company says. Not at all, at all.

Tiny Cartridge speculated that a notice within the game's manual - stating "saved data on this software cannot be reset" - was a direct shot across the bow of second-hand retailers. In a statement, Capcom denied that was the case.

"Secondhand game sales were not a factor in this development decision, so we hope that all our consumers will be able to enjoy the entirety of the survival-action experiences that the game does offer," a spokesperson said.

"In Resident Evil: The Mercenaries 3D, all mission progress is saved directly to the Nintendo 3DS cartridge, where it cannot be reset," said the company. "The nature of the game invites high levels of replayability in order to improve mission scores. In addition, this feature does not remove any content available for users."

Hm... would that be a good enough reason to remove such functionality? Let's debate this, like debating gentlemen, in the forums below!


deleted 29 Jun 2011 00:19
I see how pre-owned sales can affect the publishers profits, I bought LA noire 1 week later for a £10.00 cheaper with DLC and Badge Challenge etc. all in tact I was going to buy that game anyhow as I was looking forward to it, and currently really enjoying it, but look at something else, I was never a FPS fan for a long time in fact since quake 2 I lost interest in the genre until one day I saw a Pre-owned copy of Modern Warfare for £10.00 so i purchased it, got on-line with it and since that purchase I have bought every COD since and all Map Packs too, so by allowing me to get into the game through the cheaper purchase of 1 game i have given Activision a few hundred quid since!

swings and roundabouts as they say, although who they is i dont know....
Peachy 29 Jun 2011 00:52
Capcom, you disgust me and I will now boycott your new software
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