Apple's iPad 2 and Wireless HD Gaming - the Reason for Nintendo's Wii U Rush?

Firemint bigs itself up and why not.

Posted by Staff
Apple's iPad 2 and Wireless HD Gaming - the Reason for Nintendo's Wii U Rush?
While most people have been getting their gaming thrills in LA or moaning that it's the "Worsest E3 evaaa", Apple has snuck on the kind of wireless, small screen to big screen play that even Nintendo won't have until 2012 with Wii U.

Developer Firemint is the first to the make the most of an iOS 5 update that enables wireless, well "AirPlay" mirroring with its Real Racing 2 HD.

The game, says Firemint, "will be the first title to support full screen wireless gaming over AirPlay."

It explains, "This isn’t just mirroring – you’ll be able to play Real Racing 2 HD on your big screen without a cable, while your iPad 2 displays racing telemetry in real-time. No black borders, no wires – just iOS racing at its finest."

Could this iOS 5 update be one of the reasons that Nintendo appears rushed and confused regarding its Wii U console?

Source: Firemint


irritant 8 Jun 2011 13:10
"Worsest EA evaaa" - is that a typo?

Didn't watch the EA presentation myself...
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