E3 2011 - Mass Effect 3 is May 6th 2012

Hordes and opera

Posted by Staff
E3 2011 - Mass Effect 3 is May 6th 2012
What's happened: BioWare's Casey Hudson showed off a segment of Mass Effect 3, along with a new gameplay trailer. Shepard is seen leading an assault team to blow up part of an enemy base, but is soon on the back foot when a massive Reaper begins chasing him.

Cue all kinds of space opera music, hordes of Assault Troopers and a chase sequence that sees Shepard take on a Reaper almost single-handedly. Hudson revealed a release date for Mass Effect 3 - 6th March 2012.

What Svend Thinks: Mass Effect 3 is one of my most anticipated games of the year, and for good reason. Epic galactic stories, compelling gameplay and fantastic lore. It's a perfect example of an action RPG, and even though we only saw a teaser my excitement for the game has gone from high to stratospheric.


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