Braid Guy Blow to Social Games - Still Evil

Social? Not so much.

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Braid Guy Blow to Social Games - Still Evil
Jonathan Blow, the man behind the truly great Braid and the "we'll see how it goes" The Witness has some harsh, but let's face it sensible, words to say about the concept of 'social gaming'. He thinks it's evil.

Speaking to Brendan Cowell in a fascinating interview, Blow points out that, with certain social games, "it’s about the game exploiting your friends list that you already made, so it’s not really about meeting people.

"And it’s not really about doing things with them because you’re never playing at the same time. It’s about using your friends as resources to progress in the game, which is the opposite of actual sociality or friendship."

Rather than taking a dictatorial stance, however, Blow is able to question his own premise, "Maybe not exactly, but it’s not the same thing, right? They’re really just called social games because they run on social networks but they’re way less [social] – like sitting down and playing a board game with friends at a party is a way more social game. That’s an intensely social experience, right? So, like whatever. I hate that name."

So, "Evil"? really? "Yes. Absolutely", he continues, " There’s no other word for it except evil. Of course you can debate anything, but the general definition of evil in the real world, where there isn’t like the villain in the mountain fortress, is selfishness to the detriment of others or to the detriment of the world."

Once again, full interview is on PCG.


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