Felicia Day to Appear in Dragon Age Web Series

Six part series to hit the web later this year.

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Felicia Day to Appear in Dragon Age Web Series
Like Felicia Day? Then you'll love that she's been cast to appear as a character in an official web video series of Dragon Age. The Guild actress has written an original storyline around Tallis, an assassin who "fights dirty."

"Tallis is headstrong, she fights dirty, and she has a really sarcastic sense of humor," she said to USA Today. "I wanted to bring a modern sensibility to a fantasy character in a fantasy world."

Day will appear in Dragon Age: Redemption, a six-part web series that will hit later this year. It's set in the same world and universe as the games - Ferelden - and sees several races join forces to battle an evil known as the Darkspawn.


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