Bethesda-Owned Dev Hits Out at Game Making Budgets

So says developer COO

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Bethesda-Owned Dev Hits Out at Game Making Budgets
The COO of Bethesda-owned developer Arkane Studios, Romuald Capron, has discussed the options that are available to developers regarding working on future projects that don't have to be backed up by huge budgets.

Capron, whose company worked on level design for Bioshock 2, spoke at this year's Game Connection and told the audience that, "It's a personal point of view, but I'd say that there are other ways to grow our market other than just forever increasing our development budgets."

Actually, he rammed the point home. "At some point, I'd say that hiring a lot of extra people has a negative effect - because you need more management, you have less productivity, and I'd say you lose some innovation."

He added regarding studios where up to 200 staff members can be working on one project at a time that "Maybe they could re-organise and say, okay, let's keep to a three-year schedule again, but with less people - and more polishing at the end? At some point I'm not sure the markets can follow as fast as the development costs."

Do you think the budgets studios allocate to their major titles are reasonable for the final product that is released? And would it be more beneficial to have a longer development cycle as opposed to getting sequels to popular franchise out of the door within a year of each other? Any thoughts, feel free to post them down below.

Source: Games Industry Biz


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