Microsoft: No Plans for Another Xbox

End of an era then.

Posted by Staff
Microsoft: No Plans for Another Xbox
Microsoft's UK director of Xbox and Entertainment, Stephen McGill, has apparently put the sword to any further iterations of the Xbox.

Speaking at the UK launch of Kinect, Mr McGill stated, "We've no plans for another Xbox. You'll continue to see us bring amazing new experiences to the console, without you having to buy a brand new console. A couple of years ago we didn't have movies, Sky, Facebook and Twitter - now we've got things like Kinect.

We'll continue to evolve those gaming and entertainment experiences through the power of software updates, rather than new chipsets and plastic."

It was fun while it lasted.

Source: Eurogamer


I love the xbox 360 more than any console 11 Nov 2010 01:10
But if they don't adapt when other new consoles come out and don't deliver at an acceptable level I will jump ship. same thing between the other consoles in the past. I really like kinect, and move especially the kinect but these are not replacements for a newer console in the future. they can have the motion stuff but I want amazing graphics.
realvictory 11 Nov 2010 13:44

Another £300, just for better graphics? :P How much better do you expect them to get?

Remember that more detail => more time => more expensive games + less investment in design
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