Valve has announced that it will support a new PC motion controller from Razer and Sixense by modifying Left 4 Dead 2 to become playable with the device.
The 'Sixense Ultra Precise Motion Controller' follows in the footsteps of the Wii by providing motion sensitive control, but consists of a dual-wielding peripheral rather than Nintendo's single-handed Wii Remote. The device works by reading motion through an electromagnetic field, created by a cylinder that rests nearby.
Using this controller to play Left 4 Dead 2 seems to be a responsive experience, and it's the first time that PC developer Valve has gushed so much over a motion-sensing peripheral.
“With this controller, Razer and Sixense have created the most immersive way to play our games,” said the game's team lead, Chet Faliszek. “For us and for our customers, this release represents motion-enabled gaming that's more integrated and visceral than any platform has so far achieved.”
Valve has released an SDK on Steam already, while the peripheral makers boast the controller's sophistication - it can track motion across all six axes and is accurate to a margin of error of a millimetre.
Watch a video of the controller in action below. Now we all want to play Left 4 Dead 2 like that.