Video: Man Marries Video Game Character

"Historic live footage"

Posted by Staff
Video: Man Marries Video Game Character
Okay, it's that time of day when we say, "Phew, Japan eh? It's like another world". Or we nod our heads at the situationist art that the follows.

Basically, it's video of a man called Sal9000 who married a lass called Nene Anegasaki. He's human, she's a video game character from DS game Love Plus.

According to Boing, "The wedding took place during a Make: Japan meet-up held at the Tokyo Institute of Technology. In attendance were a live audience, an MC, the bride's virtual video game girlfriend — who made a speech — and a real human priest."

Sort of makes up for this story in which a guy was "lucky to have his marriage saved after his wife found out of his “affair” with the game.


ajmetz 24 Nov 2009 18:15
That's pretty cool.

Daz 25 Nov 2009 00:55
I wonder if they plan on making babies
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JD 25 Nov 2009 04:41
I wonder if this man is going to get some help with his obession. This marriage should be called not normal.
TimSpong 25 Nov 2009 16:27
JD wrote:
I wonder if this man is going to get some help with his obession. This marriage should be called not normal.

I think it's supposed to be an art event rather than serious set of nuptials. That said, I wouldn't mind getting hitched to Samus. But that would entail a real-world divorce first, and I can't honestly be bothered with the legal hassle.


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