No UMD Conversion for PSP Go


Posted by Staff
No UMD Conversion for PSP Go
Yesterday we reported on Sony's solution for the person who wants to move from the UMD-based PSP to the UMD-free PSP Go. You get to choose three games from a list of 17.

But what of the rumoured application or web-based system that would enable you to make sure your library of UMD games was still available? A SCEA rep has told Kotaku:

"We were evaluating a UMD conversion program, but due to legal and technical reasons we will not be offering the program at this time".

So, you've got two options: first option - forget your old games. Second option - don't buy the PSP Go.


Adrian Jacob 25 Sep 2009 09:59
please i need a psp
Joji 25 Sep 2009 12:58
That's what ebay is for. I refused to pay £100 for my PSP 1000 new, and got a perfectly preowned one for a reasonable £60 on ebay.
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