Crackdown Dev: Ambitious New Project Next Year

Lots of cash for RTW

Posted by Staff
Crackdown Dev: Ambitious New Project Next Year
Dave Jones of APB and Crackdown creator, Real Time Worlds, has been speaking at the Game Horizon conference in the north east of England this morning.

He's just told that world that the company's new project will be announced next year and is "very, very ambitious." It was, in fact "actually in development before Crackdown and APB."

This snippet emerged after Jones admitted to what we've long imagined to be true: "typically, developers and publishers always get it wrong when it comes to game budget planning", they probably do this because, apparently their motivations for making games in the first place are: "boredom, ambition, jealousy".

Finally, for now: "APB introduces realtime, dynamic, contextual, asymetrical matchmaking. Player actions trigger interaction with others."

These snips came via Twitter user Ed Bartlett. You can follow Dave Jones' presentation via Ed at #gh09. You can follow us at spongdotcom on Twitter.


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