Major Nelson's Xbox Live Yo-Yo Woes

How NOT to communicate with your users

Posted by Staff
'Xbox Live's broken! It's fixed! Wait, it's broken! No, Live has no status at all!' Poor old Larry 'Major Nelson' Hryb. That was something like his thought process over the weekend as Xbox Live flaked out on some gamers, and Hryb tried to keep them informed via his blog. The ultimate solution? Cross the whole post out. Take a look for yourself to the right.

Some gamers were getting spontaneously getting kicked off the service. While Hryb was eventually able to tell the world, "I have been informed by e that these issues have been resolved. You should have no further problems", however, the status page would appear to be blank as of the time of web.

The problem was no doubt due to the combined impact of Gears 2 and CoD: World at War's recent launches. While it's not all that common that two such high profile, fresh releases combine to put strain on Xbox Live, maybe Microsoft still ought to have a look at its communications policies just in case...

Let's hope a similar problem doesn't arise when the new 'Xbox Experience' launches on Wednesday.

Major Nelson


SuperSaiyan4 17 Nov 2008 12:07
Given how long I have had Xbox Live which is over 5yrs now I have to say the overall stability of Live is excellent. Its extremely rare for Live to have this kind of issue and its always dealt with and sorted out very quickly.
Jimmy 17 Nov 2008 12:28
Aren't you the guy who got banned from the xbox forums? 5 times?
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SuperSaiyan4 17 Nov 2008 15:49
Don't think so, I can't even access that site from work and don't go on forums when I get home.
xino 17 Nov 2008 18:31
Yea I got banned at the forum for 2 weeks for no reason!
All I did was quote a mod who told people not to download the leaked NXE, I just quoted him and told people they CANNOT get banned for having the leaked version and most people having problem with Fallout 3 can have it fixed with the NXE.

And bam, I got banned for 2 weeks "Reason: Other"...WTF!???
My ban was taking off today, and I gave a nice piece of my mind, and swore so much by making a topic! (sadly rubbish Safari took off all the parargraphs).

I won't bother going to the forum I hate forums for a long time, too many low-lives.

In-fact people should even sue Microsoft for this bull! We are paying for online gaming, yet we experience problems. Well I don't care, money doesn't grow on trees, worked hard to get that money, instead of using it on bills and such, I'm using it on games.

If Microsoft didn't scare people about the leaked NXE, this wouldn't have happened. Because if you have the leaked version, you can't connect to Live. Basically we save them bandwidth.
PreciousRoi 18 Nov 2008 12:02
oh ballocks...

As a Founding Member (and Beta Tester) of LIVE!, the few problems I've experienced have been so rare that they're scarcely worth mentioning now...

Kudos to the Major for attempting to keep users informed with the most current information, as it was relayed to him, and shame on anyone bitching because they downloaded NXE improperly and are now pissing their pants wondering if they're going to be banned.
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