Your Turn to Stress Test Japanese Gaming

Special goodies for alpha types

Posted by Staff
Media Blasters has announced that registration for alpha testing of the American version of Alteil is now go.

'Stress testing' of the servers will run over the nights of 10th, 11th and 12th June from 7-9pm EST (that's midnight 'til 2:00am in the UK). Following that (and providing the servers hold up) the game will be open for a further three days of uninhibited play before they are taken down in preparation for the beta test later this month.

Media Blasters tells us that all alpha testers will get an automatic place on the beta test later this month, as well as an exclusive "special avatar accessory" once the game goes live. On top of that, all beta testers will receive a special avatar once the game is opened up to the masses.

If you haven't come across it before, Alteil is a free online card game of Japanese origin (the images might have given that away) that has been adapted for us English-speaking types. You can find out more here.

If you want to get involved, just pop an e-mail across to


LUPOS 6 Jun 2008 14:42
Not even Joji? It says Japanese write in the title of the article! ;)

Come on SPOnG friends. One of your own has a game. If one of you where project lead on a game I would check it out... probably :P

</shameless self promotion>
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