Naughty Dog co-president Evan Wells has said that Sony's first-party title,
Uncharted: Drake's Fortune, is a long way from tapping the PS3 Cell processor's full potential.
Asked, "If Sony decided to increase the number of Cell processors and SPUs in a future release of the hardware, would
Uncharted automatically take advantage of these new capabilities or would it just run at the same pace?"
Wells responded:
"Currently the Uncharted engine isn’t even taking complete advantage of all the processors on the Cell chip. We’re essentially using about 1/3 of the power that’s being offered at this time. So if the Cell processor was improved in future iterations of the hardware, it would have no effect on the overall performance of Uncharted."
Frankly, SPOnG considers this to be good news. Given the fact that we
thoroughly enjoyed Uncharted - but thought it too short - we're more than a little bit interested to see how a sequel will look when Naughty Dog (hopefully/presumably) taps into more of the Cell's processing power.
Wells also laid out the state of play as far as downloadable content goes for
Uncharted, saying, "Instead of adding features later and asking people to download them or buy them from the PSN, we included them on the disc and tied them into our Medal Point system. If you collect all of the treasure in the game and earn all 1000 Medal Points, you will get to unlock a ton of really great rewards like behind the scenes videos, tons of concept art, skins, rendering modes, and cheats. We thought it was cooler to include these things right on the Blu-Ray disc rather than force you to download them later."
Get to hacking, folks!
(Speedy, serious reading voice on) SPOnG does not endorse hacking your PS3 or any other machine.
Source: Three Speech