2K Games Sparse E3 Line-Up Inside

Not the striptease we would have hoped

Posted by Staff
He just wants to be friends.
He just wants to be friends.
2K Games has let the world in on what it will be showing off at E3, and it's not the pound of flesh we would have hoped.

Top of the pile is the company's wet and (hopefully) wonderful sci-fi shooter, BioShock, followed by Sid Meier's Civilization Revolution and two sports releases, All-Pro Football 2K8 and NHL 2K8.

2K also informs us that The Darkness is going to be on show. SPOnG would be a bit more excited if we hadn't already reviewed the game and seen the 360 version hit shop shelves. Presumably it's the delayed PS3 version that the company wants to display, but unless it holds a bevy of content that's not on the 360 version SPOnG's a bit underwhelmed.

As with Activision, 2K's E3 offerings are light to say the least. Are we being punished because nobody could be arsed with a proper E3? Answers in the Forum, please.


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