What is Capcom’s New 2D Fighting Game?

Street Fighter IV? Doubtful...

Posted by Staff
Capcom is soon to make an announcement about a new 2-D fighter, which has set the Internet Rumour Mill alight this week.

The source of all this came from Capcom’s Japanese office, which released [url=http://www.capcom.co.jp/2d_kakutou/]
this teaser trailer for a new 2-D fighting game[/url]. The question being of course, what is it? And, by extension, is it a new Street Fighter game?

SPOnG spoke to a Capcom PR rep in the UK earlier today, who was unable to shed any light on the matter for us.

We will of course bring you the news the minute it breaks. Should that happen at E3 next week, well, we’ll just have to wait and see.


Clark Steel 5 Jul 2007 10:36
Surely this is Street Fighter HD on Xbox Live? well maybe? we've all seen the spirtes......haven't we?

Clark Steel 5 Jul 2007 10:40
...or even SPRITES...(Not spirtes, they don't sound nice)......that's what comes of being in a rush.... :)
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soanso 5 Jul 2007 11:07
Street Fighter II DS! ;)
Joji 5 Jul 2007 12:03
I'd settle for 3rd Strike on DS and PSP, but its probably SSFT2 Udon mix or something totally new.
Fluffyudders 6 Jul 2007 18:46
OK, so this is a long shot, but fingers crossed that Capcom are about to release some version of MUGEN on an unsuspecting XBLA! Bug-free, it would easily be worth buying a 360 for. Just maybe if I pray hard enough...
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