New details and confirmed release date for Fear Effect 2

Sexy shots and info on Retro Helix

Posted by Staff
Eidos Interactive has just released some exciting new bits of information regarding the highly anticipated Fear Effect 2: Retro Helix for the PlayStation. First, a little background information. The story in Fear Effect 2 centres on the human Genome project, the mapping of all of the genes in human DNA. The project was 97% successful, but 3% was declared un-mappable. The genes were named the Retro Helix. In Fear Effect 2 you are hired to acquire three items including encrypted DNA sequences. This starts off a compelling story as you encounter betrayal and deceit and uncover the real reason behind the Genome project.

One amazing new feature in Fear Effect 2 is the Motion FX3D engine. We all know the PlayStation can deliver stunning Full Motion Video sequences and the Motion Engine allows FMV to be used as backgrounds. This seamless integration of pre-rendered video and real-time graphics will make Fear Effect 2 a jaw-dropping visual delight. There will be over two hours of FMV in the finished game.

There will be eight locations that you will travel through in your quest and a total of over 800 camera angles to give you a dramatic view of the action. You will also have a choice of four characters with an improved real-time inventory system.

Additionally, in Fear Effect 2 you will able to equip your character with a variety of long and short range weapons as well as being able to get in and fight hand to hand. There will also be no loading time and many puzzles to solve.

With solid gameplay, incredible visuals and an intriguing storyline, this is going to be one PlayStation title you should not miss.



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