Half Life 2: Episode 2 Coming In September?

Valve tickles our nerd bones

Posted by Staff
Valve is eyeing September as the potential release time for Half Life 2: Episode 2.

Valve is still being coy about the release date, but in an interview, marketing director, Doug Lombardi, said, “We're looking at the back-to-school timeframe... Right in September. Ish.”

Valve engineer Robin Walker added, “September is entirely self-adopted. If it finally came to September and we thought the game sucked we wouldn't ship it. We've held it long enough.”

Not quite the bold statement we'd all like, but its closer than the previously announced 'Autumn' time frame could have meant.

PS3 and Xbox 360 owners shouldn't get too excited just yet, however. When asked if the release will be simultaneous across all platforms, Lombardi said “That's the goal, but, you know, if some are ready, we're gonna go.”

In the meantime, you can read more about Half Life 2: Episode 2 here.

Source: IGN


Joji 12 Apr 2007 11:44
Valve have their mitts heavily entrenched in the PC market because of Steam. I doubt if we'll see this on PS3 and 360 for xmas. Do prove me wrong Valve or someone, please.

They are sure taking their sweet time over just getting Half Life 2 Ep1 on 360 and still no sign of it. Chaining themselves to Steam only seems to be hurting them, as I don't think many people will buy into a game that's only really available for download (only hardcore gamers will bother).

Is it so hard to just release games normally these days? My advice, ditch the online distribution, because Half Life is loosing (if not already lost it crown) its way and being forgotten. Once Halo 3, Gears 2 hit, many won't bother waiting for HL2 anymore. I'm sure it'll be damn cool but I'm still not sure about this episodic output method either.
Moschops 12 Apr 2007 21:14
im so glad I don't have to wait 15 months between episodes of Lost
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