Atari's Plan To Get Families Playing

There really is nothing new under the sun...

Posted by Staff
Those who cannot remember the past are condemned to repeat it
Those who cannot remember the past are condemned to repeat it
This from the SPOnG-Office-of-Perspective. Casual and non-gamers are being wooed by the industry, most especially by the imminent arrival of the Wii. Vast sums of marketing money are being thrown at this dream. If only one of the platform holders could get entire families foregathered and playing just one game! Imagine this dream... it could rebuild the family unit, unify the western world, bring peace just like Christmas its very self...

...but it's not a dream, it’s cutting edge, it’s new and 'cool'. It’s the way of the future. It will in fact take the industry to new, Elysian, fields of profit. Everyday human beings will be able to get together in front of the telly and share in group hugs as they congratulate each other on high-scores.

The sitting room will be bereft of any other devices than games consoles. We’re already warm and fuzzy about this.

Then into the community gaming rooms walks some bloke called George Santayana, who says: "Those who cannot remember the past are condemned to repeat it."

Pardon, George? Well, George, using the power of fiction and his Alienware laptop, points us in the direction of this Atari 2600 television advertisement from the early 1980s. Can you spot any similarities between then and now?


SPInGSPOnG 1 Dec 2006 15:53
I can spot a few similarities. But far more differences.

In those days, they didn't have controllers that actively involved you in the game.

In those days, the "music" sounded like a frog farting.

In those days, the games looked like a square having a fight with an oblong.

It's hardly fair to compare the family pulling power of Atari's insipid 2600 with the Wii.

It's like wondering why the Vauxhall Victor was never as popular as the New Mini.

The VCS was the first time parents and children had ever played computer games together. The fact that the grown-ups got bored and went of to do other 70's things (like attend swinging paries and buy a Microwave) things is more a comment on the games than the underlying concept.

Zazigglebub 1 Dec 2006 16:11
Rod Todd wrote:
I can spot a few similarities. But far more differences.

In those days, they didn't have controllers that actively involved you in the game.

In those days, the "music" sounded like a frog farting.

In those days, the games looked like a square having a fight with an oblong.

It's hardly fair to compare the family pulling power of Atari's insipid 2600 with the Wii.

It's like wondering why the Vauxhall Victor was never as popular as the New Mini.

The VCS was the first time parents and children had ever played computer games together. The fact that the grown-ups got bored and went of to do other 70's things (like attend swinging paries and buy a Microwave) things is more a comment on the games than the underlying concept.

oh good the first wii fanboy - even buys the marketing.

the fact is that its the same sell with differnet clothes and looking at some of the fashins around today even the clothes arent that diffrent.

ps what the f**k is a vauxhall victor?
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realvictory 1 Dec 2006 18:24
Rod Todd's points are valid, I think. Basically, games are much better, and more popular, nowadays. Also, one company's failure doesn't mean every company will fail.

But what about PS3 and XBox? They aren't that different either (in concept), from the Atari 2600. I think the fact that computer games are continuing to be popular after Atari implies that maybe it was solely Atari doing something wrong.
tyrion 1 Dec 2006 19:23
realvictory wrote:
Rod Todd's points are valid, I think. Basically, games are much better, and more popular, nowadays. Also, one company's failure doesn't mean every company will fail.

I don't think the story was trying to say that the Wii will fail. All that was meant was that the advertising styles are the same. Show game play, then cut to people enjoying that game play, cut back to different game play, rinse, repeat.
realvictory 2 Dec 2006 18:00
Yeah, I suppose they are similar - I think, though, that might be intentional. I don't see that as a problem, either, though.
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