Gates On Xbox Vs PS3

Microsoft aiming at Christmas 2007 - Sony buyers rather gullible

Posted by Staff
Bill Gates - not so charitable to Sony loyalists
Bill Gates - not so charitable to Sony loyalists
Speaking to tech-heavy CNET news, Microsoft’s Bill Gates (the world’s most charitable man) made his company’s position very clear in relation to arch-rival Sony.

When asked about the critical acclaim ladled out to the PlayStation 3, and the fact that Xbox 360 has a clear next-gen run this Greedfest, Gates let rip with the following:

I wouldn't change positions with them in a million years. I mean, we know what it's like to be a year late. We feel great about the position that we're in. And, of course, they're going to sell a lot in Japan.

No mucking around there then, from the man who brought us Windows ME. It’s great to see that, in terms of product slippage, Gatesy retains a sense of humour, and perspective.

He then moved on to what some might see as, well, bitching:
”You know, Sony can make 80,000 bricks, and people would buy them.”

That’s either giving up the ghost in the face of superior brand power, or it’s framing Playstation fans as the kind of people who would spend their cash on Sony-badged, well, bricks. Either way, it’s arrogance that, while ostensibly aimed at Sony's business, boils down to the fact that people who buy Sony product are a bit dim and only buy brand. Surely this can't be the case, thinks SPOnG.

Gates finishes his Sony slagging – along with an interesting omission where either Bill decides not to name the competition, or CNET later edits it out.

So the real competition… you're going to see the impact of our innovation and all the momentum we have in Christmas 2007. This Christmas, the story is: XBox 360 is going to sell super-well, and they'll sell the rounding error amounts they can make.”

Now, either the American way of doing business is to go on out-and-out attack (well, duh!) or Microsoft is genuinely worried about the effect that PS3 is going to have and therefore feels the need to get its most public figure to take potshots. Either way, it’s officially war.


fluffstardx 22 Nov 2006 10:43
Well, they've been slagging off the 360 for over a year now, so I wondered how long it'd take for him to fire back.

And he is right: I know people who don't know the price or features of PS3. They still want one, as it's the 3rd Playstation. No other real reason. I'm personally waiting for a massive price drop and a good 5-6 games of quality. In the meanwhile, I'll play Gears of War and dream of a Wii.
alexh2o 22 Nov 2006 11:29
fluffstardx wrote:
Well, they've been slagging off the 360 for over a year now, so I wondered how long it'd take for him to fire back.

And he is right: I know people who don't know the price or features of PS3. They still want one, as it's the 3rd Playstation. No other real reason. I'm personally waiting for a massive price drop and a good 5-6 games of quality. In the meanwhile, I'll play Gears of War and dream of a Wii.

I couldnt have put it better myself! GoW until a Wii with T. Princess. aaaa.....
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SCiARA 22 Nov 2006 11:35
i've seen this news on many sights and you know what? spong are the only ones that are making MS out to be moaning or bitching or scared...
TimSpong 22 Nov 2006 13:19
SCiARA wrote:
i've seen this news on many sights and you know what? spong are the only ones that are making MS out to be moaning or bitching or scared...

Yes, thanks for the high praise there* - SPOnG does not simply toe a line and report exactly what 'many sights [sic]' do. We look a little bit deeper.

Gates said, "You know, Sony can make 80,000 bricks, and people would buy them."

In the context in which he was speaking - games hardware - this assumes dumb buyers who only buy because of a logo. Here at SPOnG we don't think that our readers are dumbasses. Strange that no one else actually bothered to analyse that... well, maybe not strange at all.

It's also the kind of thing your little sister would bleat during your birthday party: "Kevin can do pooh and he'd still be your favourite. It's soooooo unfair!"

Equally, if Microsoft is not worried about PS3 sales, then why make a swipe like, "...and they'll (Sony) sell the rounding error amounts they can make." That's the business equivalent of, "Kevin can get Ds in his report and you'll still buy him a Nintendo Wii."

If it's not (a) Bitching (b) Worry (c) Arrogance, then it's (d) Complacency. And if you're an Xbox fan, then both (c) and (d) should be a worry.

For the record:
SPOnG loves all games hardware that proves it worth, but we’re not its Dad so we don’t have to love it unconditionally.

P.S. Tony Hawke's Project 8 achieved a massively, hugely great rating here... on Xbox 360. Make sure to read the review.

*Of course, it could have been deeply ironic.
RiseFromYourGrave 22 Nov 2006 13:31
it was a bitchy comment, but based in truth id say. there are plenty of people that arent sony fanboys that will buy a ps3 no matter what
SCiARA 22 Nov 2006 14:01
I wouldn’t say it was a bitchy comment at all, if anything it’s more of a compliment to the company and the loyal sony fanbase.
OptimusP 22 Nov 2006 15:33
bah, it's so hypocrite...MS would like nothing more then to be able to sell Xbox-branded bricks.

Also, aren't they like really after the Sony gamers with that GTA4 deal and others. Let's insult our future consumers who we count on to be number one in this industry woohoo! great strategem!
SCiARA 22 Nov 2006 15:47
of course, it could be said that sony fan boys are going to take what Bill Gates says as complete and absolute attack on the Playstation. Even if it can be seen as either way.
realvictory 22 Nov 2006 16:01
Well Bill Gates shouldn't have said it then.
SCiARA 22 Nov 2006 16:04
realvictory wrote:
Well Bill Gates shouldn't have said it then.

why not? so as not to maybe offend fickle fan boys??
realvictory 22 Nov 2006 17:38
Yeah, if he knew it was going to.
tyrion 22 Nov 2006 18:29
SCiARA wrote:
why not? so as not to maybe offend fickle fan boys??

Bill and, to a greater extent Steve, say many things that will piss of other people. As long as their statements don't piss off their shareholders they don't care.

In fact, this statement can be taken as a calm the shareholders thing in a Bill and Ted "look the Goodyear blimp" kind of way. By pointing out that Sony are having issues, he is basically trying to justify the several billion dollar hole that the Home Entertainment division finds its self in due to the whole Xbox project. "Look, it's working, Sony aren't going to win this round, we are, we'll make back that money no sweat!"
SCiARA 22 Nov 2006 20:31
the statement can be read any number of ways depending on personal preference
MoNaRky 9 Dec 2006 09:24
Bill has been making some real boner statements lately, but this takes the cake or pie! And he should get it right in the face for being such a fool!

Here you have a nation of people that know what they want and how to shop better than most people in the world. They are tuff customers even for the Japanese Corporations. They are a proud intelligent people and see a statement like this as an insult!

If Microsoft would have been smart they would have researched the Japanese Game Market better and given them what they buy and want, instead of attempting to shove american products down the Japanese peoples throats!

That arrogant statement has just about insured that a country and region (Asia) will be buying a PS3 or Nentendo Wii and a step toward ensuring a Sony 3Peat! Rest assured the Japanese and Asians will take this as an insult to their buying power and intelligence!

Farewell Bill Gates, may you rest is peace in your ignorance of your lost customers desires for simply giving them what they want, not what you want to give them!
SCiARA 9 Dec 2006 10:05
"Here you have a nation of people that know what they want and how to shop better than most people in the world"
Don’t agree with you at all, to say a nation is better at shopping than another?? Taking into account eastern and western lifestyles and cultures it is utter b******s to try and compare shopping trends.

Let’s face it, it’s not what he said that’s the problem because, as I’ve previously stated, the statement can be read any number of ways depending on personal preference.

It’s the fact that someone in his position has said it that’s making you lot throw your rattles out your prams, think about, If I had said it and you replace Bill Gates with Barry Sciara it would just seem like a fanboy blowing steam – and what’s bill gates if he’s not the biggest f**king 360 fanboy?? So what should he do walk around saying no comment all the time? Or say something really f**king bland just to please all?? How boring would that be…
MoNaRky 9 Dec 2006 10:51
SCiARA wrote:
"Here you have a nation of people that know what they want and how to shop better than most people in the world"
Don’t agree with you at all, to say a nation is better at shopping than another?? Taking into account eastern and western lifestyles and cultures it is utter b******s to try and compare shopping trends.

Let’s face it, it’s not what he said that’s the problem because, as I’ve previously stated, the statement can be read any number of ways depending on personal preference.

It’s the fact that someone in his position has said it that’s making you lot throw your rattles out your prams, think about, If I had said it and you replace Bill Gates with Barry Sciara it would just seem like a fanboy blowing steam – and what’s bill gates if he’s not the biggest f**king 360 fanboy?? So what should he do walk around saying no comment all the time? Or say something really f**king bland just to please all?? How boring would that be…

Well all I can say is you are quite obviously just as ignorant as your owner/boss and will deserve to see the Masacre Sony will unleash on the Xbox 360 world wide and thats where the battleground really is. Fool Xbots like you deserve the Monster Heat box, closed source, proprietary game console where Microsoft sells you out, around every corner and then charges you for every nickel and dime of your cold cash.

Dude your game box (because that's all it is) is missing a ton of features that come standard with PS3 and minus the M$ "Get the Facts" propaganda they used against Linux! Did that work? Hell F**king No! Linux is the Future and controls more HPC's and Super Computers than any other OS, including our own future DOD, DOE, NASA, and Mercury Computers. Linux owns both China and India the most populous nations in the world and now have the fastest growing Web presense in the world! What will it feel like for you and your good buttbuddy Billy boy to be in the minority?

So go ahead and spout your pathetic Billy fanboy ignorance, but don't expect it to last past a few years! The Japanese already own the roads and garages of America. It's inevitable that they will own your living rooms as well with their TV, DVD, BluRay, cameras, phones, and on and of your gaming world with PS3 and Wii! The Big Country of the United States Pwned by a tiny country of Japan!
SCiARA 9 Dec 2006 10:55
hahahaha dear ow dear, and you call me a fanboy!
tyrion 9 Dec 2006 13:04
MoNaRky wrote:
Well all I can say is you are quite obviously just as ignorant as your owner/boss and will deserve to see the Masacre Sony will unleash on the Xbox 360 world wide and thats where the battleground really is.

Holy f**k, monkey brain you are making me defend Microsoft out of pure contempt for the fanboy mentality!

I'm not quoting your whole diatribe, but I'll pick up on some of your "points" to put some perspective against them.

There will not be a "massacre" this time around, I'm personally expecting a more balanced 40/30/30% PS3/360/Wii split of the market. There is no way that Sony can grab 60% of the market again after the awful start, delays and growing developer ill will they have at the moment. Note that I still think they will come out on top, but they won't do it to the extent that they did in this round.

"closed source, proprietary game console" - don't make me laugh, all three of the "next-gen" consoles are closed source and proprietary. Just because the PS3 has a menu option for "another OS" doesn't make it open source! The system software is still closed source, there are aspects of the system you don't have access to under Linux and the games are still DRM-ed to hell and back to try and prevent unlawful copying.

Also, the PS3 is missing "a load" of features that the 360 has. Actually, I can really only think of web browsing and HD movie playback that the PS3 has that the 360 doesn't out of the box. The PS3 is missing custom soundtracks on all games, a consistent network gaming experience and a lot of the exclusives that helped the PS2 along.

Get a grip and a sense of perspective. Both the 360 and the PS3 are great games platforms that have their own strengths and weaknesses. It's gonna be a much more balanced competition this time. Anybody who says otherwise is a screaming fanboy of one variety or another.
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