For the first time in 3-D, Donald Duck is on a quest to save the distressed Daisy from the clutches of an evil magician, as he races against his cousin, Gladstone, through an action-packed cartoon world to win the heart of the duck he loves. This hyperactive adventure features four worlds with a total of 24 levels and is certain to entertain players with even the most explosive personalities.
Key Features:
Beloved Disney Characters: Disney’s Donald Action Game features such favourite Disney characters as Donald Duck, Daisy, the Nephews, Chip and Dale and more.
Hilarious Gameplay: Players will be challenged to master Donald’s temper as he powers through each level experiencing a wide range of emotions from determination and frustration, to agitation and exhaustion. Disney’s Donald Action Game captures the fun spirit of Donald with 3-D graphics, zany special effects and wacky obstacles.
Four Exciting World’s: Action packed excitement features 24 levels of gameplay in four exciting worlds including the city, the haunted house, the Inca temple and the rocky forest. Throughout Disney’s Donald Action Game, players are challenged by multiple goals including:
Completing all levels to rescue Daisy
Completing the Nephew’s Special Moves Challenge to gain access to extra-action-packed
bonus worlds
Finding all of the golden berets in hidden areas to dress Donald in cool outfits
Beating the high score