Infogrames, Inc. Rounds Up The Lil' Doggies with Looney Tunes: Sheep, Dog 'n Wolf.
Looney Tunes Favorites Gather On The PlayStation Game Console In Early 2001!
LOS ANGELES, CA, May 11, 2000 - Ah...springtime on the prairie. The flowers in bloom, the birds are singing and the sheep are plump, juicy and ready for the picking! Infogrames, Inc. (Infogrames) officially announced today that wild sheep stealing fun is coming to the PlayStation game console in Looney Tunes: Sheep, Dog 'N Wolf. The game combines a unique blend of strategy and puzzle elements while incorporating the timeless humor and cartoon antics of the Looney Tunes cartoon universe.
"Looney Tunes: Sheep, Dog 'N Wolf is the perfect title for everyone in the family," said Larry Lee, director of marketing for Infogrames. "It offers innovative, challenging gameplay as well as hilarious cartoon style animation modeled after one of the great Looney Tunes cartoons. It is definitely one of the highlights in our family entertainment line-up."
Inspired by the classic Looney Tunes cartoon starring Sam The Sheep Dog and Ralph The Wolf, players will help Ralph The Wolf weave his way in and out of the sheep herd in hopes of stealing the fluffy unassuming lamb chops away from Sam The Sheep Dog's watchful eye. Players will also have an endless supply of outrageous ACME equipment to assist in the sheep wrangling fest.
Developed by Infogrames Lyon House, Looney Tunes: Sheep, Dog 'n Wolf will reach most major retail stores this fall.
Infogrames Entertainment, S.A. (Paris Bourse: SICOVAM 5257) is a worldwide leader in the interactive entertainment software industry. Headquartered in France, the company develops and publishes award-winning computer and video games for the PlayStation(r) game console, PlayStation 2 game console, Nintendo(r) 64, Nintendo(r) Game Boy(r) Color, Sega(r) Dreamcast(tm), and personal computer platforms. Founded in 1983 by chairman and CEO Bruno Bonnell, Infogrames' 17-year history has produced many award-winning franchises, such as Test Drive(r), V-Rally(tm), Driver, Independence War(tm), Unreal, HardBall(r), Oddworld, and Alone In The Dark(tm). The company is also known for its long list of well-known licenses including Warner Bros. Looney Tunes(tm), Mission: Impossible(tm), Le Mans 24 Hours(r), AM General Hummer(r), Harley-Davidson(r), and Dodge(r) Viper.
Based in New York, Infogrames, Inc. is a majority owned subsidiary of Infogrames Entertainment and serves as the headquarters for the company's operations in North America. For more information, visit Infogrames' Web site at
LOONEY TUNES, characters, names and all related indicia are trademarks of Warner Bros. 2000.