Karaz-a-Karak is the largest, oldest and most venerated of all the Dwarf holds. Called "Everpeak" in the language of men, this vast, proud city is the capital of the old empire of Karak Ankor, now little more than a fading memory. Within the walls of Karaz-a-Karak are mighty temples to the gods Grungni, Valaya and Grimnir. Here also is the throne of power where sits the High King Thorgrim Grudgebearer, the ancient dammaz grom, or Book of Grudges, always at his side.
The enduring city of the Dwarfs is a place both of great majesty and masterful craftsmanship, and never has it fallen to an invader. Now, in the Age of Reckoning, the greenskin hordes have set out on a path of conquest intended to bring them to the very gates of Karaz-a-Karak and beyond. If the Dwarfs are to see their great hold preserved, they will need every ounce of courage, strength and resolve that they can muster.