The Sausage Factory Episode 26: Alan Zucconi

Posted 29 Jul 2014
Run time:00:44:32
File Size:20.56 MB
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0rbitalis by Alan Zucconi

Physics and astronomy, these two strains of science explain how the universe is tied together via a very weak force known as gravity. Inspired by this fact Alan Zucconi has developed a game that examines the concept of gravitational pull in the form of 0rbitalis. This relaxing title requires the player to fire a probe into a simple 2 dimensional solar system, which has celestial bodies orbiting around a sun in a circular form. The aim of 0rbitalis is to have the probe fly for as long as possible before it gets shot out into deep space or collides with a planet and/or sun. In this episode of The Sausage Factory, Chris ORegan talks to Alan about his inspirations behind 0rbitalis and his other projects.


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