World of Warcraft: Mists of Pandaria has sold quite a few copies according to Activision/Blizzard's "internal company records and reports from key distribution partners." So many in fact that, as expected, the company is waving around the magical '10 million subscribers' flag again.The figures are that, "During the first week of launch, prior to the release in China on October 2, the expansion had already sold through approximately 2.7 million copies and the game's global player base passed 10 million subscribers, with growth across all major regions."
This is incredibly useful news for Blizzard and for Activision, which is being hawked around the globalized company show-rooms by parent company Vivendi, and needs figures like 10 million subscribers even if the phrase 'active subscribers' or 'paid subscribers' isn't used. This will surely comes out when due diligence is done.
We are also told that, "The World of Warcraft development team is already hard at work on the first major post-launch content update. Further details, including features and release timing, will be provided in the weeks ahead." So this franchise ain't dying for some to come, which is great if you're thinking of buying it.
Blizzard or Activision/Blizzard or whatever it's calling itself these days.