Crackdown 2 - July 9th in the UK - Making Of Trailer Now

Posted by Staff
Crackdown 2 - July 9th in the UK - Making Of Trailer Now
Microsoft and Ruffian Games are going to start selling Crackdown 2 legally to people in the United Kingdom on the 9th of July 2010. That is very, very good news.

Along with the news comes some standard marketing nonsense, to wit: "To celebrate the road to launch, Ruffian Games invites fans to step into the world of Crackdown 2 in the first video documentary, titled Fun with Friends, from a three-part series exploring different facets of the game."

'To celebrate the road to launch"? What on earth does that even mean? Isn't the 'road to launch' simply the development of the game? If you're a PR and marketing professional and you know better, please tell us in the forum.

Anyway, the trailer has interviews with Ruffian Games Creative Director Billy Thomson, Producer James Cope, Senior Engineer David Hynd and Senior Mission Designer Dean Smith about things like 16-player PVP and 4-player co-op, Renegade Orbs and the PVP mode called Rocket Tag.



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