Japan: PS3 vs Wii in Tight 2009 Race for Third Place

Posted by Staff
Japan: PS3 vs Wii in Tight 2009 Race for Third Place
Japanese data-company-cum-magazine-publisher, Enterbrain (of Famitsu fame), has revealed hardware sales for the whole of 2009. The best selling platform of last year was the Nintendo DS, selling over 4 million units across its range of Lite, DSi and DSiLL products.

The PSP was the second-best selling platform of 2009 in Japan with over two million units sold, while the Wii and the PS3 had a close race for third place. Ultimately, Nintendo's white box outsold Sony's black beast by a couple hundred-thousand units.

Here's the data in full. Guess where the Xbox 360 is? Still, at least it's on there, unlike the poor PlayStation 2 which seems to have been left out.

Nintendo DS - 4,025,313 (29,160,589 total)
PSP - 2,307,971 (13,386,455 total)
Nintendo Wii - 1,975,178 (9,501,999 total)
Playstation 3 - 1,727,041 (4,391,407 total)
Xbox 360 - 331,706 (1,197,873 total)

Data was collected from 29th December 2008 to 27th December 2009.

Source: Examiner


Dave 5 Jan 2010 20:20
Wow. Am super surprised at the PSP doing so well, almost as much as how close the PS3 is on the Wii's heals.
OptimusP 5 Jan 2010 20:28
Dave wrote:
Wow. Am super surprised at the PSP doing so well, almost as much as how close the PS3 is on the Wii's heals.

The Japanese love handhelds, it's their primary choice of gaming right about now frankly. The PSP has been giving quite some good titles in Japan. Hell, in the first years of the PSP you could use all your fingers on one had to count the good titles for the platform.

That said, the DS still has more games that sold over 5 million copies in Japan then the PSP has million sellers in Japan.
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