No Left 4 Dead 2 on PS3 says Valve

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No Left 4 Dead 2 on PS3 says Valve
Despite a listing for a PS3 version of Left 4 Dead 2 appearing on EA's website over the weekend (and a heap of shouting occurring afterwards) it's not going to appear on that platform. At least not according to Valve's Doug Lombardi who tells Xboxevolved:

"That (the EA mention) a typo. Check the trailer - 'exclusively on Xbox 360 and PC."

Enough said.


Valve Suck 23 Jun 2009 12:21
It's cos gabe's fat fingers can't work a dualshock.
VALVE IS GAY 25 Jun 2009 17:35
Yeah it's cos Gabe doesn't want ps3 owners to see the new boomer. It's basically him. They didn't need to add anything
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VALVE IS LEADING THE WAY 10 Jul 2009 14:38
WOW a few childish comments here, but i couldn't give less i can play left 4 dead 2 so...... this is awkward
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