Anti-gaming crusader and lawyer Jack Thompson is apparently filling the time freed up by his Florida disbarrment by appearing in university campus debates on game violence.
He's set to face off against pop culture critic Gerard Jones in a debate at Bridgewater College in Virginia next month. Beyond that, however, he's
reportedly, "much in demand on college campuses".
The debate with Jones is scheduled for 7:30 pm, April 2 in Cole Hall at Bridgewater College in Virginia.
Thompson is well-known to gamers for his often irrational rants about the evil of gaming, notably the output of Rockstar and Take-Two.
Jones is the author of
Killing Monsters: Why Children Need Fantasy, Super Heroes, and Make-Believe Violence and
Men of Tomorrow: Geeks, Gangsters and the Birth of the Comic Book. He also serves on the Massachusetts Institute of Technology's Comparative Media Studies Program and has amassed numerous comics-writing credits.
Source: newsleader