What is Take Two's Favourite Platform?

Posted by Staff
What is Take Two's Favourite Platform?
If we're going to gauge a publishers favourite platform for a particular quarter, we're going to use the platform that made that publisher the most cash. Simple. Efficient. No argument.

Take Two Interactive's first financial quarter for 2009 ended on January 31st. It's favourite single platform is... The PC!

With 24% of total revenue for the quarter, the PC is beloved of Take 2. Well, with GTA IV coming out on the platform in November, who can be surprised? With GTA IV: the Lost and Damned coming out for Xbox 360 last month, we're expecting that the PC will be kicked out of bed as Microsoft's console is ushered in.

Those figures in full...

Publishing revenue platform mix 2009 (% change from same period last year)
PC: 24% (+14%)
Nintendo Wii: 19% (+/-0%)
Microsoft Xbox 360: 18% (+3%)
Sony PlayStation 3: 15% (+7%)
Sony PlayStation 2: 9% (-16%)
Sony PSP: 8% (-5%)
Nintendo Handhelds: 5% (+2%)
Other: 2% (+1%)


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