Title | Released | Genre | Platforms |
Viking Child
Adventure |
ST Lynx |
Erik The Viking
Adventure: Text and Graphic |
Amstrad CPC |
Gorbaf El Vikingo
Puzzle: Maze Adventure |
Amstrad CPC |
Norse by Norsewest: The Return of the Lost Vikings
Also known as Lost Vikings 2: Norse by Norsewest |
-1997 | Adventure |
PC CD PlayStation Saturn SNES 3DO |
Vampire Village
-1983 | Adventure |
Spectrum 48K |
Village of the Lost Souls, The
Adventure: Text |
Amstrad CPC |
Disney's Villain's Revenge
Also known as Villain's Revenge |
-2001 | Puzzle Adventure: Graphic |
PC CD Power Mac CD |
Ville Infernale, La
Adventure Racing |
Amstrad CPC |
Adventure: Role Playing |
Adventure |
Spectrum 48K |
-2001 | Adventure |
GBA Game Boy Color |
-2002 | Adventure |
PC CD PS2 CD Xbox CD GameCube PlayStation Dreamcast |
Day of the Viper
-1990 | Adventure: Point and Click |
Amiga 3.5" floppy disk |
Virtua Fighter Cyber Generation
Also known as Virtua Fighter Quest, Virtua Fighter Quest: The Ambition of the Judgement Six |
-2004 | Adventure: Role Playing |
PS2 DVD GameCube |
Virtua Quest
-2005 | Adventure |
PS2 DVD GameCube |