Browse Games


453 titles found in the genre 'Adventure', on Amstrad CPC
Title Released Genre Platforms
Elven Warrior

-1989 Adventure
Amstrad CPC
Camelot Warriors

-1986 Platform
Adventure: Graphic
Amstrad CPC
Star Wars Droids

-1988 Adventure
Amstrad CPC
Way of the Tiger: Avenger

Also known as Way of the Tiger 2

-1990 Adventure: Graphic
Amstrad CPC
Auf Wiedersehen Monty

-1987 Platform
Amstrad CPC
Wild Bunch, The

Amstrad CPC
Willow Pattern Adventure, The

-1985 Adventure
Amstrad CPC
Reisende Im Wind 2

Adventure: Text and Graphic
Amstrad CPC
Bob Winner

Beat 'Em Up
Amstrad CPC
Garfield 2: Winter's Tail

-1989 Adventure
Amstrad CPC
Wise and Fool of Arnold Blackwood

Adventure: Text
Amstrad CPC

Adventure: Text
Amstrad CPC
Witness, The

Adventure: Text
Amstrad CPC

Adventure: Text and Graphic
Amstrad CPC
Wizard Warz

-1988 Adventure
Amstrad CPC