Browse Games


453 titles found in the genre 'Adventure', on Amstrad CPC
Title Released Genre Platforms
Souls of Darkon

-1985 Adventure: Text and Graphic
Amstrad CPC
20,000 Lieues Sous Les Mers

Adventure: Text and Graphic
Amstrad CPC
Space Ace

-1994 Adventure
Amstrad CPC
Spellbound Dizzy

Adventure: Graphic
Amstrad CPC
Sphinx Jinx

Also known as Total Eclipse 2

-1991 Adventure
Amstrad CPC
Spiky Harold

-1986 Adventure
Amstrad CPC
Laser Squad

-1991 Adventure: Role Playing
Amstrad CPC

Adventure: Text and Graphic
Amstrad CPC
Sram 2

Adventure: Text and Graphic
Amstrad CPC
Star Bowls

-1991 Adventure
Amstrad CPC
Charlie Chaplin, Starring...

Also known as Charlie Chaplin

-1987 Adventure
Amstrad CPC
Station Fall

Adventure: Text
Amstrad CPC

-1986 Adventure: Role Playing
Classic Arcade: Gauntlet
Amstrad CPC

Adventure: Graphic
Amstrad CPC
Gems of Stradus

Adventure: Text and Graphic
Amstrad CPC