Browse Games


453 titles found in the genre 'Adventure', on Amstrad CPC
Title Released Genre Platforms

-1985 Adventure: Role Playing
Amstrad CPC
Cosmic Sheriff

-1989 Adventure
Amstrad CPC
Robin of Sherlock

Adventure: Text
Amstrad CPC
Robin of Sherwood

Adventure: Text and Graphic
Amstrad CPC
After Shock

-1986 Adventure: Text and Graphic
Amstrad CPC
Dark Side

-1988 Adventure: Graphic
Amstrad CPC
Silicon Dreams

Adventure: Text
Amstrad CPC
Dragon's Lair 2: Escape From Singe's Castle

-1987 Adventure: Graphic
Amstrad CPC

Adventure: Text and Graphic
Amstrad CPC
Clever and Smart 2

Also known as Mortadelo Y Filemon 2

Amstrad CPC
Clever and Smart

Also known as Mortadelo Y Filemon

-1987 Adventure: Graphic
Amstrad CPC
Smugglers Cove

Adventure: Text and Graphic
Amstrad CPC

Adventure: Text
Amstrad CPC
Apprenti Sorcier, L'

Adventure: Text and Graphic
Amstrad CPC
12 Lost Souls

Adventure: Text and Graphic
Amstrad CPC