Browse Games


9 titles found in the genre 'Sport: Athletics', on Amstrad CPC
Title Released Genre Platforms

Sport: Athletics
Amstrad CPC
Commonwealth Games

Sport: Athletics
Amstrad CPC
Run for Gold

-1987 Sport: Athletics
Amstrad CPC
Brian Jacks Superstar Challenge

Sport: Athletics
Amstrad CPC
Daley Thompson's Super-Test

-1985 Sport: Athletics
Amstrad CPC
Daley Thompson's Olympic Challenge

-1988 Sport: Athletics
Amstrad CPC
Daley Thompson's Decathlon

-1984 Sport: Athletics
Amstrad CPC
Race Against Time, The

Also known as Sport Aid '88

-1988 Sport: Athletics
Amstrad CPC
Track and Field

-1987 Sport: Athletics
Amstrad CPC