Browse Games


142 titles found in the genre 'Adventure: Text and Graphic', on Amstrad CPC or Amstrad CPC
Title Released Genre Platforms
Metro 2018

Adventure: Text and Graphic
Amstrad CPC
Mind Fighter

Adventure: Text and Graphic
Amstrad CPC

-1985 Adventure: Text and Graphic
Amstrad CPC
Mystere Du Kikekankoi, Le

Adventure: Text and Graphic
Amstrad CPC
Kobyashi Naru

-1987 Adventure: Text and Graphic
Amstrad CPC
Necris Dome

Also known as Necris-Dome, The

Adventure: Text and Graphic
Amstrad CPC
Lucky Luke: Nitroglycerine

Adventure: Text and Graphic
Amstrad CPC

Adventure: Text and Graphic
Amstrad CPC
Jewels of Babylon

Adventure: Text and Graphic
Amstrad CPC
Lords of Chaos

-1991 Adventure: Text and Graphic
Amstrad CPC
Mountains of Ket

Adventure: Text and Graphic
Amstrad CPC

Adventure: Text and Graphic
Amstrad CPC
Aventura Original, La

Adventure: Text and Graphic
Amstrad CPC

Adventure: Text and Graphic
Amstrad CPC
Growing Pains of Adrian Mole

Adventure: Text and Graphic
Amstrad CPC