Tom Clancy's Ghost Recon Advanced Warfighter: BAFTA Game of the Year Edition - Xbox 360

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Tom Clancy's Ghost Recon Advanced Warfighter: BAFTA Game of the Year Edition  (Xbox 360)
Viewed: 3D First-person Genre:
Combat Game: Infantry
Strategy: Combat
Media: DVD Arcade origin:No
Developer: Ubisoft Soft. Co.: Ubisoft
Publishers: Ubisoft (GB)
Released: 8 Dec 2006 (GB)
Ratings: PEGI 16+
Accessories: Hard Disk Drive
Connectivity: Live Online Enabled, System Link


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One of the most celebrated titles of 2006, Tom Clancy's Ghost Recon Advanced Warfighter (GRAW) returns in this new premium edition. The title focuses on the deployment of the 'Warfighter' of the Future into the chaos of urban warfare, set against the backdrop of a hot and humid future Mexico City.

The story goes like this: it's 2013 and the U.S. Army can finally now deploy its Integrated Warfighter System (IWS), a complex combination of cutting-edge technologies that transforms an individual soldier into the ultimate fighting force. IWS combines advanced weapons systems, satellite communication devices and enhanced survivability into one fully integrated combat system that is finally ready for the true test of the battlefield.

GRAW includes a wealth of superb features, including the Cross-Com. A communication device attached to the soldier's monocle and powered by satellite technology, the Cross-Com will deliver constant and complete battlefield awareness seamlessly within the action.

You take the role of Captain Scott Mitchell and your job is to command the Ghosts and Special Forces allies equipped with the IWS. You're on a quest to save the president of the United States, recover stolen nuclear codes and eliminate a vicious band of renegade soldiers hellbent on unleashing catastrophe. All in a day's work…

The game unfolds in a highly detailed Mexico City which really gives the feeling of complete immersion in a future urban guerrilla war. GRAW also includes multiplayer and cooperative gameplay with exciting new elements, continuing the Ghost Recon tradition of setting the bar for multiplayer action.

New to the BAFTA Game of the Year Edition are (amongst others) four new missions to continue the Co-op Campaign, two new game types and five new weapons.